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Page history last edited by Steve Neufeld 9 years, 5 months ago


to the METU.NCC  Course


Instructional Technology
and Materials Development



First of all - a warm welcome to you all.

  • I will be guiding you through the world of Web2.0 and using various instructional technologies on this course.  I am looking forward to working with you this semester.
  • Read my profile to find out more about me.  (Cliick my photo for my profile on LinkedIn.)  


  diigo education pioneer 

  This kind of website is called a 'wiki', from the Hawaiian word meaning 'fast' or 'quick'.  A wiki is a shared web page which can be edited very easily and quickly, as easily as you edit a Word document.  Do you want to know more about wikis?  Check out this video by Common Craft.     
We'll be looking into wikis later on in the course, and you will be keeping notes in your METU blog. There is some etiquette to follow when working online.   Take the quiz to find out more.  I assume  that everyone will be polite, reread anything they have written to check for tone and accurate language use and respect what others have posted on their pages.   






Getting started

  1. Blogs
  2. Educational issues related to blogs


Data Driven Learning

  1. Introduction to data driven learning
  2. Vocabulary profiling
  3. The i-corpus
  4. Text Analysis: applying data driven learning tools to materials development and teaching


Materials development

  1. Paper-based: Teacher's Pet
  2. Working with WORD
  3. Working with WIKIs
  4. Interactive Hot Potatoes


Multimedia, podcasting and slidecasting

  1. What is podcasting
  2. Micropodcasting, Voxopop and Audacity
  3. Finding podcasts, subscribing and using podcasting with students
  4. Introduction to slidecasting


Web2.0 and collaboration

  1. Social Bookmarking
  2. Edmodo
  3. Copyright


Promoting Discovery learning

  1. Webquests

Creative Commons License
This work by Kristina Smith & Steve Neufeld is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at kristinaweb20.pbworks.com.

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